Roman Blind Wizard, the internet-based design and calculation facility for bespoke Roman blind makers, has celebrated its third anniversary with a complete makeover and functionality upgrade.
When it was launched in 2012 www.romanblind-wizard.co.uk was the first universal utility designed specifically to calculate the ideal fold sizes and precise rod pocket positions for cascading and standard Roman blinds. Since then it has helped more than 1,500 Roman Blind makers all over the world, ranging from large companies to individuals. To satisfy this global demand Roman Blind Wizard now offers both metric and imperial calculations.
Developed in the professional workrooms of Staffordshire-based bespoke curtain and blind-makers, Mary Grice Soft Furnishings, the Wizard eliminates the mathematical minefield which faces conscientious designers and makers of bespoke Roman blinds, generating precise answers to every key question:
- How many folds should my Roman blind have?
- Where should I position the rods in my Roman blind?
- How do I plan for cascading folds in a Roman blind?
- How do I allow for different headrail depths and bottom trims?
- What will the stacked-up depth of my blind be?
- How much fabric, lining and hardware will I need?
Initially developed with a view to saving precious time in her own busy workroom, designer Mary Grice soon realised that no other similar solution existed in the soft furnishing market-place. Researching the likely demand for such a tool, she discovered three core traditional methods of approaching the fold calculation dilemma:
- Manual Calculations – tedious and time consuming, and often teamed with the need for trial sampling on scraps of fabric to double-check accuracy
- Look-up tables – often out-dated with no scope to specify different headrail depths or design options, these do not deliver a truly bespoke solution
- Getting it wrong – the mathematics behind perfect fold calculations is tricky; a tiny error can result in blinds that just look wrong!
“Each bespoke Roman blind has a multitude of variables” explains Mary, “including finished drop, headrail allowance, fold depth, number of folds, cascade increment, bottom trim and stacked-up depth constraints. And with all these variables to consider, it’s not surprising that many of us spend more time on the calculator than the sewing machine!”
A solution was clearly desperately needed for bespoke Roman blind makers to improve the speed and accuracy of blind specification whilst retaining control of the variable design elements. Roman Blind Wizard delivers a precise Workroom Instruction sheet and complete bill of materials from one simple input screen. Interactive help and intelligent processing means that mistakes and wastage are eliminated.
Over the past three years Roman Blind Wizard has provoked enthusiastic and in some cases rapturous responses:
“Once again, thank you so much, it really saves us so much time in the workroom”
“Brilliant!….will save me so much frustration and brain ache”
“….the spacings are absolutely perfect”
Roman Blind Wizard looks set to become the Industry Standard for blind makers globally. It is already being used by dozens of workrooms in the UK, with new users joining from around the world every day.
Roman Blind Wizard is available to anyone involved in the design, specification or make-up of bespoke Roman blinds, from sole traders through to huge workrooms, interior designers, specifiers, wholesalers, retailers and manufacturers. Pricing and purchase options are available for a single Roman blind or one thousand, and the time savings and improved accuracy are tangible and immediate.
Roman Blind Wizard is available now as a web-based, pay-per-click facility. Registration is quick and free and for a limited period, new users will get one free credit to evaluate the service without obligation.
Go to www.romanblind-wizard.co.uk